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Apoorv Singh

Who am I?

Well my name is Apoorv singh, a 17-year-old student and software developer from India now looking to shift in America. I deeply love LLMs and specially its implementation, I also do research work when I am idle, I am a master of building backend infrastructure which scales.

What I love?

I usually like to watch some animes or read documentation in my free time. A couple of my favorite animes would be My Hero Academia and Jujutsu Kaisen and a couple of my favorite docs would be Vue and Golang.Not as much as I used to but I also like to build hardware solutions for day to day problems, you can check out what projects I've been working recently on my Github Profile.

What have I done?

Well, I love participating in hackathons, especially web3 ones. Ive won more than 20 hackathons, including Unfold, HackJKLU and WarpSpeed. I've recieved over 65k USD as grants for my ventures from Polygon, IIT Delhi, Solana, Cbse just to name a few.I also happen to be one of the finalists of the Nailwal fellowship, I was the only highschooler to reach that feat, in addition to this I also started one of the first Hack Club in my state, weve impacted 3k+ students, 25+ schools and held 100+ sessions. Finally Im the only Indian kid to win both YI 2022 and Cbse Science Exhibition, both being one of the biggest fairs held in India.

What is my Techstack?

I primarily work with TypeScript, Tailwindcss, React (with TSX) when working in a frontend environment and I've had a lot of experiences with some world class frameworks like Vuejs and Svelte.I love building backend infrastructure mainly in Golang, I use my inhouse backend framework which I built from scratch Gominima, sometimes when Im in a hurry, I use Nodejs, lastly I absolutely love Graphql.I know bits of everything, so if you wanna work on something cool just shoot me a mail!

What am I doing rn?

Current building Connect a personal co-pilot with global context awareness, based on your day-to-day interactions, capable of autonomously performing tasks.